Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Republican Mindset
At at a campaign stop staffers for Sen. George Allen assault a protester (be sure to watch the video).
a protestor started yelling and asking, "Why did you spit on your first wife?". He wasn't able to get near the senator as he was tackled by three men wearing Allen stickers, presumed to be staffers. He was pushed and manhandled and ended up on the floor, near windows at the Omni.
Instead of letting local security deal with the situation, Allen's staffers turn into vigilantes. Tells you all you need to know about the GOP: violence is the first resort. Allen responded to the local media's question by saying, "stuff like that happens." Senator, what kind of stuff are you referring to? Your staffers manhandling protesters? Or are you referring to the presence of protesters at your events? If the former, well...

Deborah Pryce to the Red Courtesy Phone
Back in September, Deborah Pryce (R-OH-15) claimed that Iraq isn't "broken." Perhaps, she can explain how this report means that Iraq is "fixed" or at least not "broken"
The British consulate in Basra will evacuate its heavily defended building in the next 24 hours over concerns for the safety of its staff.

Despite a large British military presence at the headquarters in Basra Palace, a private security assessment has advised the consul general and her staff to leave the building after experiencing regular mortar attacks in the last two months.
If Deborah, doesn't want to talk about what the British are doing in Iraq, maybe she'd like to explain how losing track of weapons purchased with U.S. tax payer money isn't an example of Iraq being "broken" (or how if it's "our money" when it comes to cutting taxes for the super wealthy, why isn't it "our money" when it comes to keeping track of how it's spent?).
The U.S. military can't account for hundreds of thousands of weapons purchased to arm some 325,500 Iraqi security forces by December, according to a new report.
Of course, Deborah hasn't been talking about Iraq much on the old campaign trial so maybe she'd like to talk about the minimum wage? Or maybe she'd like to talk about cutting financial aid for college students?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Republican Race Baiting?
The latest Republican National Committee ad in the Tennessee Senate race. Make sure you watch to the end, just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.

The ad reminds viewers, "The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertisement. Paid for by the Republican National Committee." Klassy with a K. Bob Corker must be in real trouble if the RNC is running this piece. Republicans, just can't win without the racists. If Corker wins, the RNC will have him by the balls and he'll be yet another Republican putting special interests before the public interest.

UPDATE: Talking Points walks you through the racism of the RNC ad. Useful if you don't "get it" upon first watching it.

Monday, October 23, 2006
Bush Economy, Despite the Dow
Despite the Dow hitting a "record" (though the record doesn't take into account inflation, the Bush economy still ain't doing so well. Ford Motor Company reports it "lost $5.8 billion in the third quarter because of sluggish sales." Deborah Pryce, George Bush, and the rest of the Republican bamboozlers can send out all the flyers, emails, and give all the speeches they want about the thriving economy, but when one of the cornerstones of American industry reports that it lost $5.8 billion in three months, get the picture. And just in case you don't get the picture, the loss "is 20 times greater than the company’s deficit a year earlier and the largest in 14 years."

So Deborah Pryce, keep telling the voters in Ohio that the economy is strong, but they ain't buying it anymore than they bought your attempt to bamboozle them on Social Security. Oh, and Deborah Pryce, good luck finding a job in 2007, maybe the GOP can help find you something on K Street?

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Iraqi Civil War Continues, at Least 44 Dead
ABC News reports,
Militants targeted police recruits and shoppers rounding up last-minute sweets and delicacies Sunday for a feast to mark the end of the Ramadan holy month, the highlight of the Muslim year. At least 44 Iraqis were reported killed across the country.
But don't worry, it's really not a civil war. Good thing people like Deborah Pryce (OH-15) are in Congress to support the President's "Stay the Course" policy or else things in Iraq would be really bad. And it's even more of a good thing that Rick Santorum (R-PA) is in the Senate to vote for torture and suspending habeas corpus or else we'd be fighting "them" over here instead of in Iraq. But, even without Pryce and Santorum working hard to protect George Bush's failed policies, we can all rest easy knowing Jean Schmidt (OH-02) is always willing to stand up on the floor of Congress and attack anyone who dares to question George Bush.

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Friday, October 20, 2006
Iraq, Still Not a Civil War reports from Iraq, which by the way isn't in the throes of a civil war
The Shiite militia run by anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr seized total control of the southern Iraqi city of Amarah on Friday in one of the boldest acts of defiance yet by one of the country's powerful, unofficial armies, witnesses and police said.
The British army handed over control of Amarah about two months ago. I guess the Iraqi police weren't quite ready to stand up.

No matter, this is just a comma in the grand scheme of things. And just because the police stations have been destoryed and militia loyal to a non-government force are in charge doesn't mean that there is a civil war. Oh for the days of freshly painted schools....

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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Cut and Run! Cut and Run!
Cut and Run! Cut and Run! Cut and Run! At least we won't have to worry about turning off the lights when we leave.

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Republican Values? reports on the state of Republican values
A spokeswoman for Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) confirmed yesterday that a former page showed the congressman Internet messages that had made the youth feel uncomfortable with the direction Foley (R-Fla.) was taking their e-mail relationship.
According to the Post, the IMs "were sexually explicit." Apparently some kind of "action" was "taken," though it's not clear what that means.

Again, we have evidence of Mark Foley making Congressional Pages uncomfortable and the Republican leadership doing nothing or looking the other way. Of course, Monday morning will bring more Republican charges that the whole matter is an elaborate conspiracy cooked up by Democratic politicans.

Friday, October 06, 2006
Still Not a Civil War
The New York Times notes, "About 4,000 Iraqi policemen have been killed and more than 8,000 others wounded in the last two years." Yep, you read that right; 6,000 dead or wounded per year, but it still ain't a civil war. Just like the economy here in the U.S. is going gang busters despite adding only 51,000 jobs in September. I mean, it only took five plus years for the stock market to recover under the economic policies of the Bush regime.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Not a Civil War
Or 15 U.S. Troops Killed in Three Days.

Triple bombing in Baghdad. Iraqi Army HQ bombed in Ramadi. But it's not a civil war. "Bodies lay[ing] in the street next to the smoking wreckage of burning cars." But it's not a civil war. Just keep repeating that to yourself over and over and over. Just because the BBC notes that
[g]overnment ministers and other public officials are frequently targeted by gunmen and bomb attacks, and require constant security in an effort to try and guarantee their security
doesn't mean that there is anything like a civil war going on in Iraq.

All this death and destruction because George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the neo-conservative cabal invaded a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11. All of this death and destruction because George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the neo-conservative cabal reached for the gun and gave into their fears. All of this death and destruction because the media, intellectuals, and the rest of us weren't forceful enough or down right complicit with the fear mongering of the Bush regime. Iraq was not inevitable. Invading Iraq was choice; a result of a policy. A misguided policy, but still a policy. It is our collective shame that we let George Bush invade Iraq. It is our fault that we re-elected George Bush, Dick Cheney, the Rupublican Congress, and the neo-conservative cabal in 2004 despite the clarity that invading Iraq was a mistake from day one. That mistake is paying terrible dividends. Our failure to come to grips with the extent of that mistake is the result of a deep intellectual and moral confusion. We have given into the worst in us instead of the best in us.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Congressional Pages, Foley, & Limbaugh (and Hastert)
Personal Responsibility. Personal Responsibility, Rush Limbaugh style. Oh and Rush, why would Foley even be able to be "set up" in the first place? But really, it's all about taking personal responsibility isn't it? Unless of course you're a Republican and then its always someone else's fault. Hypocrite.

Update: Hastert was on Rush Limbaugh and pushing the "it's a liberal plot" to destroy America meme. Think Progress has the audio.

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