Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Republican Mindset
At at a campaign stop staffers for Sen. George Allen assault a protester (be sure to watch the video).
a protestor started yelling and asking, "Why did you spit on your first wife?". He wasn't able to get near the senator as he was tackled by three men wearing Allen stickers, presumed to be staffers. He was pushed and manhandled and ended up on the floor, near windows at the Omni.
Instead of letting local security deal with the situation, Allen's staffers turn into vigilantes. Tells you all you need to know about the GOP: violence is the first resort. Allen responded to the local media's question by saying, "stuff like that happens." Senator, what kind of stuff are you referring to? Your staffers manhandling protesters? Or are you referring to the presence of protesters at your events? If the former, well...

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