Monday, October 23, 2006
Bush Economy, Despite the Dow
Despite the Dow hitting a "record" (though the record doesn't take into account inflation, the Bush economy still ain't doing so well. Ford Motor Company reports it "lost $5.8 billion in the third quarter because of sluggish sales." Deborah Pryce, George Bush, and the rest of the Republican bamboozlers can send out all the flyers, emails, and give all the speeches they want about the thriving economy, but when one of the cornerstones of American industry reports that it lost $5.8 billion in three months, get the picture. And just in case you don't get the picture, the loss "is 20 times greater than the company’s deficit a year earlier and the largest in 14 years."

So Deborah Pryce, keep telling the voters in Ohio that the economy is strong, but they ain't buying it anymore than they bought your attempt to bamboozle them on Social Security. Oh, and Deborah Pryce, good luck finding a job in 2007, maybe the GOP can help find you something on K Street?

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