Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yet More Bush Failure
Don't look now, but while the American economy is cratering under eight years of Republican misrule, one of Bush's "signature" foreign policy achievements is falling by the wayside. Today
North Korea told the IAEA that the U.N. agency's inspectors "will have no further access to the reprocessing plant"
that the North Koreans used to process spent nuclear fuel into plutonium, which is the stuff the North Koreans used and can use to make nuclear weapons.

Oh and the same McClatchy story notes that
Russia this week pulled out of a six-nation meeting scheduled for Thursday to discuss further sanctions against Iran, freezing for the time being a 3 1/2-year old diplomatic campaign to persuade Tehran to abandon uranium enrichment.
Yep. George Bush is doing a bang up job keeping us safe. But, don't worry, I heard there are some good college football games on TV this weekend and that NASCAR thing is starting to look interesting. Oh, and don't forget to go out and shop this weekend, the country needs you to do your duty. And make sure you drive a bunch too since your state probably needs the gas tax money. Don't worry, put it all on the credit card and then ask George Bush to bail you out the next time he invites you down to his ranch to clear some brush. Or maybe you can ask Uncle Dick for the cash the next time you two go quail hunting.

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