Monday, February 26, 2007
The Right to Question
Glen Greenwald has some thoughts for Joe Lieberman and the other snake oil hucksters who claim to know something about anything.
Everywhere Joe Lieberman goes, he should be asked by journalists why anyone should listen to anything he says, or believe anything he says, in light of his history of deceitful statements and tragically wrong assertions, beginning with his 2005 Op-Ed which today he completely repudiates while pretending he never said any of it.

These are people who are completely bereft of judgment and integrity, and their behavior has wreaked incalculable and arguably unprecedented damage on our country. Holding them accountable, and recognizing them for what they are, is critical not only for cleansing our deeply poisoned political system, but also for averting identical, or worse, tragedies in the very near future.
It's not only Lieberman who should be asked why should we trust you. We should ask George Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and the entire Republican leadership the same question. Every press conference. Every off the record briefing, every exclusive interview should start with the question, "why should I listen to anything you say about anything, or believe anything you say, in light of your history of deceit, wrong assertions, and outright lies?" Oh, and "you've been wrong about so much, why should I believe you are right about this?" The press conference, off the record briefing, exclusive sit down interview, or whatever should not go onto other questions until the above have been answered. If Bush and his gang are unwilling to submit to such questions, then the press briefing, the off the record briefing, the exclusive sit down interview should stop or journalists should refuse to participate. I want George Bush and his gang to stand up before the world, without notes, without teleprompters and take questions from real people. Not people who have been vetted. Not people who feel like their jobs depend on their ability to access to movers and shakers, but real people who deserve an answer to why should we believe anything you say? You're not children. You don't get a free pass to lie because you didn't know any better. Transparency, it's the bedrock of freedom and democracy. If Congress, if people, can't voice their opinions and ask the difficult questions of our elected leaders, then we have neither freedom nor democracy.

Oh, and Joe, if things are improving in Iraq, why has FOX News issued its reporters gas masks? But, of course, before you answer, please explain why I should listen to anything you have to say based on your past history of lying and being wrong.

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