Thursday, January 25, 2007
The Battle for Baghdad, Iraqis No Shows, Redux
From the NYT lede on the new American offensive to re-take Baghdad comes this gem of just how ill-thought President Bush's "new" policy is,
Many of the Iraqi Army units who were supposed to help secure Haifa Street in Baghdad on Wednesday did not arrive on time, forcing the Americans to start the job on their own.
The article makes clear that despite all the propaganda the Bush regime and its lackeys push, it is American troops bearing the brunt of re-taking Baghdad.
Many of the Iraqi units that showed up late never seemed to take the task seriously, searching haphazardly, breaking dishes and rifling through personal CD collections in the apartments. Eventually the Americans realized that the Iraqis were searching no more than half of the apartments; at one point the Iraqis completely disappeared, leaving the American unit working with them flabbergasted.
If this represents the best George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the rest of the Republican lackeys can coax out of the Iraqis, then it's going to be a long winter and even longer spring and then the summer with its searing temperatures and then...?

Impeach George Bush Now! Impeach Dick Cheney Now!

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