Sunday, September 03, 2006
How Safe Do You Feel?
Really. How safe do you feel knowing that, as the New York Times reports, the TSA is having trouble bringing explosives detection technology to airports? Specifically,
The agency gave grant money to an equipment maker to find a way to speed up explosives-detection machines that screen baggage and to reduce the frequency of false positives. Though the work was completed successfully a year ago, the agency has not made the necessary software upgrades on the hundreds of machines already in the nation’s airports.
TSA cites "contractual details" as the cause of the delays. That's right, protecting Americans is such a priority that the TSA has taken a year working out "contractual details." The worst part is that delays like this are the foul-ups we know about. One shudders to think what other kinds of delays, miss opportunities, etc. are taking place on Georgie's watch.

George Bush likes to figure himself "in charge" of the federal government. What do you think the chances are of him taking responsibility for delays in improving airport screening? He says he's the CEO president, but it has become abundantly clear that he doesn't know the first thing about making any organization run nor does he care to learn. The TSA and DHS fiascos over improving airport security are emblematic of the failure that is George Bush's Presidency. As you go to the polls this fall, remember that the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress has played a key role in enabling George Bush's failures--his failure to care about effective government, his failure to put policy above politics, his failure to understand the challenges the United States faces, his failure to admit mistakes, his failure to show compassion, his failure to appoint competent people, and his failure to do his duty as required under the United States Constitution.

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