Friday, September 29, 2006
CNN Quick Vote--Bush, Iraq, & Frank Quick Vote
Do you believe President Bush has been frank with the nation about the situation in Iraq?
No, he's been George about it.

Thursday, September 28, 2006
S.3930 Terror Bill
S.3930 must be stopped. It is not enough to speak against it on the floor of the Senate. It is not enough to vote against it on the floor of the Senate. Filibuster is the only honorable action.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bush, Crazed, & Torture
One of the early responses to Clinton's take down of Chris Wallace was that the former President had lost it; that he was somehow crazed and that Clinton stepped over some line and became illogical with rage. Somehow those same folks didn't have the same reaction to this Rose Garden performance by the current President. You want crazed? You want illogical? You want over the line? YouTube has George Bush doing his best "I'm crazy" bit. I think I'm going to have even more trouble sleeping at night knowing that George Bush is the "decider."

I know it's too much to ask, but some brave American in the Senate better bring the Senate to a standstill this week if Bush's "get out of jail free" and "let me torture people" bill makes it to the floor. I don't care which Senator or Senators it is, but if there is anyone left in the Senate who actually takes their oath of office seriously, the Senate had better come to a grinding halt. And I don't mean no wishy washy "Secret Sessions," but a full scale stop. Let's have this out in public and find out where our Senators stand on the question of torture. Oh, and it'd be nice if several someones in the House would introduce Articles of Impeachment.
In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed
George Bush's "high crimes" are numerous. Everything from directing his appointees and staff to lie to Congress and the American people to conducting an illegal war to ordering the use of torture. Heck, for all we know he's probably taken a few bribes along the way too or at least helped suggest a few charities in need of contributions.

And before we let George Bush off the hook, let's find out exactly what mission was accomplished on his watch. I mean we're extending tours of duty in Iraq yet again and the Taleban are still pretty active, so what mission was accomplished?

Monday, September 25, 2006
Bush Economy Just Purring Along
So Ford is laying off workers left and right. GM too. Health care is skyrocketing. Interest rates are up too. But don't worry, those billion dollar tax cuts for the super wealthy are making the economy stronger. Oh, and more people are joining the "ownership society" whatever that means (personally I think it means that big corporations own more and more). Sure. Except, the one thing that people own more of in terms of major assets has decreased in value. The New York Times reports
The median price of a previously owned home fell for the first time in 11 years last month, and inventories of unsold homes swelled to levels not seen in more than a decade.
The decline in prices should help all those folks with second and third mortages sleep better at night. Home prices don't look to make a recovery anytime soon. According to the National Association of Realtors,
At the end of August, there were enough unsold, previously owned homes on the market that it would take 7½ months to sell them all at the current sales pace. The association said that was a bigger backlog than at any time since April 1993.
That should help all the folks planning on using the proceeds from selling their home for their retirement fund sleep as well. On the bright side, maybe more people can now afford to buy a house. Oh wait, interest rates are up and real wages are down, so maybe not.

I'm sure the Rubber Stamp Congress will find some tax or another to cut to help the super rich while appearing to help middle and working-class families. Let's see...cut the estate tax...eliminate the capital gains tax...hmmm...I got about if you earn over $1 million a year you pay no taxes...yeah...yeah...'cause you're doing so much already to help the economy you shouldn't have to pay taxes at all....yeah...I mean...all that wealth that trickles down from your spending and investing is driving the economy already....yeah that's the ticket. No about no taxes for those who earn over a $1 million dollars and who made a major contribution to George Bush's election campaign? Yeah...I like that..... and then we find out who voted for Clinton, Gore, and Kerry and raise their taxes...yeah...that's the ticket.

Bush Economy Just Purring Along
So Ford is laying off workers left and right. GM too. Health care is skyrocketing. Interest rates are up too. But don't worry, those billion dollar tax cuts for the super wealthy are making the economy stronger. Oh, and more people are joining the "ownership society" whatever that means (personally I think it means that big corporations own more and more). Sure. Except, the one thing that people own more of in terms of major assets has decreased in value. The New York Times reports
The median price of a previously owned home fell for the first time in 11 years last month, and inventories of unsold homes swelled to levels not seen in more than a decade.
The decline in prices should help all those folks with second and third mortages sleep better at night. Home prices don't look to make a recovery anytime soon. According to the National Association of Realtors,
At the end of August, there were enough unsold, previously owned homes on the market that it would take 7½ months to sell them all at the current sales pace. The association said that was a bigger backlog than at any time since April 1993.
That should help all the folks planning on using the proceeds from selling their home for their retirement fund sleep as well. On the bright side, maybe more people can now afford to buy a house. Oh wait, interest rates are up and real wages are down, so maybe not.

I'm sure the Rubber Stamp Congress will find some tax or another to cut to help the super rich while appearing to help middle and working-class families. Let's see...cut the estate tax...eliminate the capital gains tax...hmmm...I got about if you earn over $1 million a year you pay no taxes...yeah...yeah...'cause you're doing so much already to help the economy you shouldn't have to pay taxes at all....yeah...I mean...all that wealth that trickles down from your spending and investing is driving the economy already....yeah that's the ticket. No about no taxes for those who earn over a $1 million dollars and who made a major contribution to George Bush's election campaign? Yeah...I like that..... and then we find out who voted for Clinton, Gore, and Kerry and raise their taxes...yeah...that's the ticket.

NIE, Iraq Fuels Terrorism
In typical fashion the White House has responded to a negative report by U.S. intelligence agencies by claiming the leaked portion “is not representative of the complete document.” Ok. Show us the rest of the report and let the American people decide for ourselves. Really. We're approaching an "accountability moment" and voters should have all the facts on the table. After all Mr. President, it's our money and shouldn't we know if it's being spent wisely? Shouldn't we know if our government is doing a good job? After all, we are the deciders.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006
How Safe Do You Feel?
Really. How safe do you feel knowing that, as the New York Times reports, the TSA is having trouble bringing explosives detection technology to airports? Specifically,
The agency gave grant money to an equipment maker to find a way to speed up explosives-detection machines that screen baggage and to reduce the frequency of false positives. Though the work was completed successfully a year ago, the agency has not made the necessary software upgrades on the hundreds of machines already in the nation’s airports.
TSA cites "contractual details" as the cause of the delays. That's right, protecting Americans is such a priority that the TSA has taken a year working out "contractual details." The worst part is that delays like this are the foul-ups we know about. One shudders to think what other kinds of delays, miss opportunities, etc. are taking place on Georgie's watch.

George Bush likes to figure himself "in charge" of the federal government. What do you think the chances are of him taking responsibility for delays in improving airport screening? He says he's the CEO president, but it has become abundantly clear that he doesn't know the first thing about making any organization run nor does he care to learn. The TSA and DHS fiascos over improving airport security are emblematic of the failure that is George Bush's Presidency. As you go to the polls this fall, remember that the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress has played a key role in enabling George Bush's failures--his failure to care about effective government, his failure to put policy above politics, his failure to understand the challenges the United States faces, his failure to admit mistakes, his failure to show compassion, his failure to appoint competent people, and his failure to do his duty as required under the United States Constitution.

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