Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Get Yer Red Hot Economy Here!
The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls over a hundred points to close at 11,069.14. Back when Georgie took the oath of office in January, 2001 the Dow closed at 10678.28. Five plus years of Bush and the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress cutting taxes, gutting regulations, and otherwise giving handouts to the wealthy and corporate America and the Dow can only manage a 400 point rise? To add to the "good" news, the dollar lost ground to the euro, which will make imports more expensive. Oil rose to $76.35/barrel to round out another day of the Bush Red Hot Economy.

Like in Iraq, Bush and the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress have no vision when it comes to the economy. Tax cuts and more tax cuts (roughly $860 billion in cuts) haven't done a whole lot for the stock market or wages. People who work for a living and small businesses aren't reaping the benefits of the Republican give aways. According to the Dept. of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis in the second quarter of 2006,
Business investment in equipment and software turned down [. . .] Exports decelerated [. . .] Inflation [. . .] increased 4.0 percent in the second quarter.
Not exactly great news and helps explain why the stock markets are tumbling. That 4.0% rise in the inflation rate means that fact that
Real disposable personal income, the amount of personal income available for spending or saving, increased 0.4 percent in June [2006]
is relatively meaningless. So get yer red hot Bush economy right here!

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