Saturday, July 22, 2006
Oh the Irony
And people say Irony is dead?

Tony Snow was on some morning show Friday, July 21, 2006 defending the Bush efforts to find a peaceful solution to the latest Israel/Hezbollah/Hamas dust up. Tony claims George & the Gang are working hard on finding some kind of diplomatic solution, really they are. Think Progress has the details,
TONY SNOW: The critics got it wrong. The United States has been very actively engaged on the diplomatic front ever since the beginning of this. Secretary Rice has spoken repeatedly with leaders throughout the region. The President has been picking leaders and speaking with leaders who are not only in the neighborhood, but in the position to provide leverage and influence over the governments who are chiefly responsible for supporting Hezbollah, that would be Iran and Syria. He’s spoken with the King of Saudi Arabia, he’s spoken with the King of Jordan, he’s spoken with the President of Egypt, he’s spoken with the prime minister of Turkey. Every day the departments of state and defense are on the phone with colleagues throughout the region, every day the national security advisor.

So what I’m saying here is that people are talking about too little too late in diplomacy, they may not be keeping the scorecard. But the fact is, nobody has been more diplomatically active than we have.
Of course, when Condi Rice visits the area she won't be going to Cairo or Amman or any other Arab capital. And here's where the Irony kicks in, the NYT reports,
[t]he Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.
So which is it Tony? Are George & the Gang working hard to find a diplomatic solution or are they pouring gasoline on the situation?



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