Tuesday, June 06, 2006
More severed heads found in Iraq
BBC NEWS reports that Iraq "[has] taken great strides on the march to victory" in recent days.
Police in Iraq have found nine severed heads, wrapped in plastic bags and left in a fruit box by the side of a road.

The heads were found near Baquba, north of Baghdad, where police made a similar discovery three days ago.
Never mind that key posts in the new "government" remain unfilled. Never mind that 50 people were kidnapped by men dressed as police officers this week. Never mind that the "health ministry says the bodies of 6,000 people have been brought into Baghdad's main mortuary this year." Never mind that this figure is only for the main mortuary in Baghdad and thus doesn't include cities like Baquba where police have been finding bodies and heads left and right. Never mind all that because George Bush is sure that Iraq is taking "great strides" and that "victory" is just around the corner (hopefully in time for the 2006 mid-term elections). Gotta love the strong leadership Georgie & Co. have provided over the past six years or so. Nothing like vision and bold action (though perhaps a little more planning and little less hubris would have been nice).

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