Friday, June 30, 2006
Character and the Bush Regime
Look, another corrupt Republican. Ap/Yahoo! News reports "Bernard Kerik pleaded guilty Friday to charges of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in gifts while he was a top city official." Remember, this is the guy George Bush thought would make a great head of DHS. Tells you something about George Bush, doesn't it?

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Friday, June 23, 2006
Last Throes?
No matter how Cheney and Bush try spin "last throes," the news out of Iraq this morning looks nothing like an insurgency in its last throes. The New York Times reports
insurgents set up roadblocks in central Baghdad and opened fire on U.S. and Iraqi troops just north of the heavily fortified Green Zone.
The insurgents "were armed with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades and rifles." At least they don't have armored vehicles yet. Keep in mind this attack comes ten days after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki initiated a large scale security effort in Baghdad. It sure doesn't look like the Iraqi "government" is in control of much outside of the Green Zone. If that is the case, look for Bush to move the goal post yet again and announce that U.S. troops will leave Iraq once the Iraqi army and security forces are able to secure the Green Zone. It's clear the new "government" has very little efficacy and as a result large numbers of Iraqis remain committed to violence rather than politics as a means of obtaining power.

Other than staying the course, that is doing the same thing we're doing now with little results, George Bush and his Rubber Stamp Congress haven't offered up a policy that has any chance of changing the situation in Iraq. Hawks of the sort that Bush brought into office like to say that sanctions aren't very effective in dealing with regimes like Saddam Hussein's; what we're seeing in Iraq is the very real limits of military force in solving problems.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Get Your Red Hot Economy Here!
George Bush visits Iraq. The Dow Jone tumbles some more, closing at "10,706.14." As we inch ever closer to the five and half year mark of George Bush's rule it appears that the Dow might be dangerously close to the 10678.28 that is was on the Friday before he took office. Funny how all those people telling us how rosy the economy is never really focus on how the Dow is flat over the past five years. I'm sure if the Dow was surging, FOXNews would be crowing about it.

One has to wonder, what all those really rich people who got all those tax cuts did with all that money.

Red Hot Bush Economy! Get Your Red Hot Bush Economy Here!
On Friday, January 19, 2001 the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10678.28, having gained 93.94 points, mostly due to IBM's 75 plus point rise. On June 12, 2006 the Dow Jones Industrial Average was a whopping 10,792.58. Five years of Republican leadership and the Dow nets a whole 114.3 points or so? I sure am glad we didn't decide to invest those Social Security funds in the stock market.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006
More severed heads found in Iraq
BBC NEWS reports that Iraq "[has] taken great strides on the march to victory" in recent days.
Police in Iraq have found nine severed heads, wrapped in plastic bags and left in a fruit box by the side of a road.

The heads were found near Baquba, north of Baghdad, where police made a similar discovery three days ago.
Never mind that key posts in the new "government" remain unfilled. Never mind that 50 people were kidnapped by men dressed as police officers this week. Never mind that the "health ministry says the bodies of 6,000 people have been brought into Baghdad's main mortuary this year." Never mind that this figure is only for the main mortuary in Baghdad and thus doesn't include cities like Baquba where police have been finding bodies and heads left and right. Never mind all that because George Bush is sure that Iraq is taking "great strides" and that "victory" is just around the corner (hopefully in time for the 2006 mid-term elections). Gotta love the strong leadership Georgie & Co. have provided over the past six years or so. Nothing like vision and bold action (though perhaps a little more planning and little less hubris would have been nice).

The Bush Economy
Just keep telling yourself that the economy is "robust" or "strong" or "red hot" or whatever everytime the Dow drops 199.15 points or 1.77% like it did on June 5, 2006. I'm glad I'm not part of the ownership society. Oh wait, my "retirement" fund at work is socked away in the stock market, shit. In that case, I hope Uncle Karl and Bid Daddy Cheney are thinking up a way to silence Fed Chairman Bernanke or at least get him to start reading from the script.

Once people really start realizing that they're paying "78 cents a gallon more" for gas than they did last year, the economy will really heat up. It took real leadership to push through all those tax cuts to help small businesses buy gas guzzling SUVs instead of promoting the use of hybrids or investing in alternative fuels. There's nothing like good leadership with vision and all that stuff. But hey, how many countries can say their Dear Leader looks so butch in a flight suit?

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