Thursday, April 20, 2006
How Low Can He Go?
Even FOXNews finds George Bush's overall approval rate at a low "33 %." That's down from an approval rating of 47% last year. Bush's approval ratings have been on a steady decline, dropping from 39% a month ago. Even more notably, "66 percent" of Republicans approve of the job George Bush is doing, which is itself a twenty point drop since last year. While a twenty point drop is encouraging, it still baffles the mind of this crank how 66% of any group can approve of the job George Bush is doing as President.

The really scary thing about these low poll numbers is, given Bush's history, what hair-brained scheme will Rove cook up to distract the American public from the disaster that is Bush's presidency. Are the DHS raids on illegal immigrants just the first step in strict enforcement of the "law" as a means of looking like George Bush is actually doing something other than giving tax breaks to the Donald Trumps and Ken Lays of America? Are we going to see Bush resort to raids to enforce copyright laws? Raids to recover government documents that have been retroactively stamped "Top Secret?" Or is the U.S. just going to start bombing Iran? One has to wonder, to what depths will George Bush sink?

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