Wednesday, December 13, 2006
'Commander in Chief' Needs a Note from Saudi Arabia
According to numerous news outlets including CNN, the U.S. now needs a note from Saudi Arabia before making any foreign policy decisions. So I'm wondering what George Bush means when he says he's the "decider" and the "commander in chief"? I mean does he have a table in the basement with all kinds of little army men that he's "commander in chief" of or something? As for being the "decider," maybe he means he gets to decide what color socks he's gonna wear?

Friday, December 01, 2006
The Bush Economy
Is going gang busters. Really it is. So ignore the fact that
the [British] pound rose as high as $1.9696 on the currency exchanges, its highest level against the dollar since 1992
The dollar also fell to a 20-month low against the euro.
Which helps explain why the Bush twins are vacationing in Argentina instead of Europe. Just thank your lucky stars that oil isn't priced in Euros yet.

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